Posted by: inghan | December 20, 2009

A few pics of my farewell / Swa’s christmas dinner…

A few of us put in and bought Sarah a pair of DJ swimmers.

Also, Sarah illustrated a picture of me and Lexie and placed it on the front of a scrap book so we can log our travels. I’m in love with it!

Posted by: inghan | December 20, 2009


It’s 5 days before I leave for Istanbul and packing has been low on my agenda for a while. The past month has been hectic. Work, Swa time, many T2 visits, beach adventures, etc. Lex and I have been emailing each other a bit too. It will be good to see her again.

Before she left for New York we had dinner in the city. I unknowingly sat infront of a poster advertising a concert of two bands I’d never heard of before – Bachelorette and… Pikelet!!! Unfortunately their music is not my thing.

After Sarah burned me a CD of her OC list and special christmas carols (+ more) and singing the Carol of the Meows at yum cha today, I thought I would include a song with meows for you all (but for her spacially). It will never beat the christmas carol, but Paper Kitten Nightmare (by Margot & The Nuclear So and So’s) is addictive and more people should be enjoying it. Meow meow meow.

Posted by: inghan | December 13, 2009

Topless at Toowoon

Hot volvo cruising up the winding road, north to the sunny shores. Mix of music; air-con at full blast; bag of cheeses, dips, breads. Two girls who don’t give a shit singing at the top of their lungs and laughing about nothing in particular.

These are the days I’d miss… Summer is amazing! The heat; the long road trips with friends; wearing skirts with swimmers underneath; getting sand between your toes and… well everywhere… only to splash around in the water and later get your body sandy again. Crazy, salty hair; lazing around on the sand; reading tacky magazines or snoozing whilst faint sounds of other people waft past. Girly girly days!

On entering the freeway at Mooney Mooney we merged beside another red p plater. The car was full of boys who basically thought they were hot shit. They kept waving at us, slowing down, speeding up, sitting on my arse. Being desperate. After Sarah and I had ignored them for a few minutes, they sped off. We had to laugh as one of the boys in the back dangled out the window flashing numbers at us with his hands. “What is he doing?” I querried. Swa came to the conclusion he was giving us his number. So here it is girls – 0425 786 739

We made it to Toowoon Bay – with a few stop overs – at about 3pm. The water was very pleasant and we found a fairly secluded spot in the shade. Swa and I have a theory which is basically if a man stares at a ladies chest long enough, her bikini top will fall off… We tested it out with amazing results! And photos for scientific evidence.

I also spoke to Lex today. The phone had a lag of a few seconds so we kept interupting each other and saying  “hu?” a lot. We spoke cameras. SLR cameras to be precise. She also drank tea (and spilt in on heself) which is like our normal get-togethers, minusing not being able to see each other and her being in a completely different country and all. I leave in 12 days! I’m so not ready!

Click here to view a map of our adventures!

Posted by: inghan | October 30, 2009

December music list

(NB for those who can’t be bothered to read my blog, at least scroll down to the very last song listed and go to the link – you won’t regret it!)

Convinced by Lex to start a blog, I thought I would appropriately begin by trying out a music list. This will, however be a very rare occurrence as I don’t really know what I’m talking about. I’m also pretty sure most of you have heard the songs I’m putting up, which I am currently somewhat obsessed with, but I thought I would throw in some you may not have heard – with an exception of maybe Nick and Swa… Four old songs (some awful, some not so) for those adventurous ones out there!

I suppose you could categorise me as one of those who love the softish kind of music, although my taste is fairly broad and I will always try something once, except heavy metal and anything Andy listens to 🙂

One more night – Stars
I’m really getting into this band and I love Amy Millan’s voice, so pretty! This song is one of my favs atm. I have a strange obsession with the drumming “tat tat tats” and piano tinkling in it, as well as the build up and drop, build up, drop, and so on. I really hope to see them live one day.

Saint Jerome – Coconut Records
This song is so boppy and fun 🙂 although I do realise the lyrics suggest otherwise – note: boppy prob isn’t actually a proper word for this context.

Disco Biscuit Love – Jezabels
Disco Biscuit Love was the first of their songs I ever heard. The beginning of this song sends shivers down my spine – don’t know why. It also brings back memories of when I started to get into indie music. So much out there, so much to hear and learn! I’ve seen Jezabel’s live a few times and the more I see them the more I appreciate them. Last I saw them I was awed by the drummer’s technique when the band played “Hurt Me”. He speedily weaved the sticks around each other in a very dancy sort of way. Hayley Mary also dances awesome 🙂

Dress Me Like A Clown – Margot & The Nuclear So and So’s
I admit I don’t usually listen to the lyrics of songs till I’ve heard them a few times. I tend to be attracted to the strange little sounds and patterns in them. I love the sweeping sounds followed by the… not really sure what it is at about 1:07.

Mike Mills – Air
Miles got me into Air a while ago, Mike Mills being the first song I sampled of theirs. Getting really into them, I asked him for some more “Mike Mills”, in which he quickly pointed out my mistake and gave me a disk full of their stuff. This song is very addictive and easy to listen to. I really like Caramel prisoner, Space Maker and Run too.

Starry Stairs – Okkervil River “if you don’t love me I’m sorry”
Lost Coastlines was my fav of Okkervil’s music for a long time (the deep guys voice is intriguing), but I’m now obsessed with Starry Stairs. Can’t stop listening to it! The faint ring of sleigh-bells and drumming at the intro is perfect. I also really love that small instrumental section at 2:08, followed by the random trumpets about 10 seconds later. In fact any song with trumpets is awesome!

Hide and Seak – Imogen Heap
Thanks to Swa every time I watch this I think of SNL 🙂

Home – Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Yet another romantic song in which, for me, the exciting tune takes precedence over the lyrics. I kept hearing these guys on FBi and only just recently got around to obtaining their album. I don’t know why I like this song so much, but it’s really heart-warming, although the end is a bit tacky, I admit. I’m not really that into their other songs yet, but have only heard them a few times (as Nick said they are a bit same same).

Here are some of the oldies (don’t judge me! much…)

Magdalene – Boston (this song is all kinds of awesome!) I just realised I forgot to add this song to the zip file, so if your interested in hearing it, here’s a youtube link

Sugar Sugar – The Archies (memories of making up dance routines with Lex and her then half-strangling her sister).

The end of the worldSkeeter Davis (sorry but her voice just grates on me)

Venus In Blue Jeans – Jimmy Clanton

Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter – Hermans Hermits (although Tom Courtenay was in his late 20s when he sang this I can’t help but think of a middle aged stocky English man in suspenders behind that mic – his voice is so strange!)

Bread and Butter – The Newbeats “Got home early one morning, much to my suprise, she was eating chicken and dumplings with some other guy, no, no, no” (I think this song must be watched for it to really be appreciated – awesome Newbeats song!!) If the link doesn’t work, just youtube “Bread and Butter – The Newbeats” – it’s the fisrt one.
